Wait, what?!? Yes, Friends, that is correct. The Star War The Dark Side Half Marathon At Walt Disney World is ONE MONTH AWAY! So how am I feeling about this??
Well, I’m PRETTY DANGED EXCITED! I literally JUST GOT BACK from my very first Gap Year adventure to Asheville, NC and the Biltmore House and had such an amazing time! Be sure to check out the YouTube video on that.

I got a great long run in today (8 miles) and am absolutely on track to be fully trained and ready to toe the line come race day (knock on wood). Lots can go wrong, and there is so much outside of my control, but the side of the street that I’m responsible for – putting in the miles, making my reservations, obsessing over the weather – DONE, DONE AND SOON TO BE DONE.
I am starting my packing slowly, mostly just throwing random things in my bag that I don’t want to forget and making note of what things I need to purchase. I am working hard to not be running around like a chicken the day before I leave this time. Like I’ve done ever other time. But this time will be different! Check out the post I did all about what to pack so you don’t forget anything (I’ll be re-reading it as well;).
With being on my Gap Year/Sabbatical and not working (well, not for a paycheck anyway), I truly have no excuse for not being prepared. We shall see.
I took a quick video after my long run today. One thing I like about this video is that it proves that no matter how experienced you are or how many miles you’ve put in, it’s never easy. At least it’s not for me. I have never run more than 3 miles and gone, wow, that was a piece of cake. It is ALWAYS a challenge and that’s why I love it because runners are a big bunch of weirdos.
I seriously just can’t believe we leave for Disney in ONE MONTH! Yikes!!!! I’m doing a 5K with friends this weekend and I’m really going to have to remind myself not to race it. 5K’s are really a challenge for me which I realize may sound really silly, but I just never know how to pace myself. And I’ve never trained for one. I seem to only know how to train for races of at least 10 miles. Oh well.
The good news is, the race is at a vineyard and there will be wine! So I’ll tell you all about that. Vineyard means flat, right?? Oh Dear Lord, please let vineyard mean flat . . .
Please comment and tell me how your training is going!! There are so many races going on this time of year and I know a lot of you are busy preparing for this or that. May you stay injury free, may your family treat you like the queen or king that you are when you need to rest and recover, and may the hydration odds be ever in your favor. I just made that up. I bet you couldn’t tell.
Take care of each other!