Of Mangers, And Pain, and Redemption

I woke this morning to news of more violence in South Sudan. More evil. More innocent blood being shed.

It’s but one story in this world of ours that is full of evil and pain and injustice. Of violence and fear and atrocity. Of one million children freezing in Syrian refuge camps and young girls being trafficked and damage being done to men and women by men and women that is too vile to mention here.

I sit in my suburban family room looking at my beautiful Christmas tree and am getting ready to head into my kitchen to prepare meals for the coming days for my family. Meals made with food that is overflowing in my refrigerator that I purchased, with no particular financial stress. I bought what we needed and many things that we wanted.

My kids are all still sleeping. They are dry and warm and healthy. They aren’t braving cancer treatments or fighting to breathe or navigating their way through life in wheelchairs.

So much pain. So much that is not fair. So much that breaks my momma’s heart.

And it breaks God’s heart, too. But he came. Jesus came. He brought the promise of life and redemption and the end to tears and binding up the broken places. When he was born it was the declaration that all things would one day be made new.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16

“I came that they might have life. And might have it abundantly.” John 10:10

I struggle with those words with so much pain in our world. My faith is strong and sure and yet I don’t understand why some children are born into safe suburban neighborhoods and others are born in war torn nations with little to eat and no shoes.

But there was a child born in a stable. Among farm animals. He certainly wasn’t safe. In fact, he was targeted for death from the beginning.

And he was, and is, God.

So even though I don’t understand, I will rejoice that the redemptive story continues. I will pray and beg Jesus to come back to complete the work. To finish the story on earth as he has already in heaven.

 We will gather as a church family tonight and sing praises to the God who came down to live among us and loves us and died for us. And rose again. To declare victory over sin and death.

Joy To The World
The Lord is Come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart
Prepare Him room
And Heaven and Nature Sing
And Heaven and Nature Sing

Merry Christmas.

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