Why NOW Is The Best Time To Become A Runner

It’s a challenging time to be an informed human being. The news is filled with stories of hate, white supremacy, ignorance and abuse. From the #MeToo movement, to foreign entities influencing our elections, to the threat of nuclear war, there’s just not that much good news. You can’t throw a rock without hitting a story of racial injustice or sexual harassment or violence.

I read the news and try to stay as objectively informed as I can because I think it’s an important part of my citizenship. I DO have some power here – the power to vote, the power to speak out against injustice, the power to ensure that my own thoughts and ideas support love and not hate.

But Good Golly, Miss Molly, it’s just FREAKING EXHAUSTING.

That’s why now is a great time for you to become a runner. Here’s why now is a great time to become a runner (to learn HOW to become one read this):

You need to be able to think in a straight line

My mother-in-law, Shirley, who no longer lives here among us, used to say this to me all the time: you need some time alone so you can think in a straight line. Allow me and my markers to illustrate:



(state of the art graphics are my thing, clearly)

As each step hits the pavement, I find my mind settling and my thoughts becoming more clear. I’ve solved some of my most complex problems while running and even some of yours. I know, right?

When you run, you can stress eat more

This is not the healthiest thing I’ve ever admitted, but sometimes when I feel super helpless eating chocolate and garlic bread helps (not necessarily together unless you’re into that – no judgement).

If I’m not running regularly, my thighs are more prone to an external representation of my stress eating.

Running doesn’t happen in front of a screen

The screens themselves aren’t bad (I mean, you’re reading this on a screen, after all, and I’m being incredibly helpful;). But often times what’s on the screens is DESIGNED to create stress and scarcity. Because ultimately most of what we see on screens is selling us something and our number one motivation for buying is fear and scarcity.

Running creates the opposite of fear and scarcity. Well, unless you’re running away from a bear, I guess. But running ON PURPOSE creates a sense of abundance and gratitude.

When you run WITH people, you are reminded that people are, in fact, super awesome

Again with the news and the fear. If you don’t spend time with actual people – people of all different colors, shapes, sizes, sexual orientations and economic backgrounds – you get messed up. I need my running community, and NOTHING reminds me of how much we share like running forward with a group of people. It’s magic.

So if you’re feeling helpless, scared, and frustrated you should become a runner. Like, TODAY. Do it for 2 weeks, walking as much as you need to, and then come and tell me how you feel. I’m willing to bet large quantities of chocolate and garlic bread that you don’t feel WORSE. So why not?

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