How To Handle Intimidating Mileage Syndrome (IMS)

This is my Training Schedule of Choice this time out

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I have Intimidating Mileage Syndrome.

I am almost positive this is NOT a real thing and that I made it up. But I think we should make it a thing because every distance runner I know gets it from time to time. It goes something like this:

Around Wednesday I’ll take a peak at my training schedule. Ya know, just to see what I’m supposed to be doing on Saturday. And then, right there, on my fridge and on my online calendar, I will see a VERY BIG NUMBER. For me, anything in the double digits triggers it (can we call it IMS? Let’s.)

So then then my mania begins. At every stop light my mind will wonder over to the dark side of the moon and I’ll have serious doubts about marathon training, running in general, and  the paint color we used on the back of our house (that’s just a general doubt that can fit anywhere).

I will obsessively check the weather and freak out if it’s going to be too cold/hot/humid/rainy/windy. I will whine to my husband “why do I sign up for these things? I don’t want to do this on Saturday! Why does everybody else in the world get to sleep in and I have to set my alarm for 5am and get up and run like a lunatic? WHY?”

And then he does it. Every time.

“Well, you don’t HAVE to. Don’t do the race.”

And I will heave a huge sigh just like I did, in fact, as I was recalling this redundant scenario. And I will stop talking to him and instead obsess about my sleep the night before and my nutrition on Friday and for gosh sakes don’t eat any dairy on Friday because don’t forget you’re lactose intolerant and dairy on Friday means a long run from hell on Saturday and . . . . yes. I know.

It’s ridiculous.

I don’t know of a cure for IMS. But if you suffer, too, maybe we can come up with some stuff together. And instead of thinking of how far it is, I’m going to try to focus on how I’ll feel sitting on the couch wearing my compression sleeves and having people bring me ice water AFTER.

I’ll enjoy it for about an hour. And then I’ll start thinking about the next long run.

Happy Running and if you’re suffering from IMS right now, YOU GOT THIS! They are only miles. And you are, after all, a distance runner. And not a lot of people can say THAT.

6 thoughts on “How To Handle Intimidating Mileage Syndrome (IMS)

  1. I love this post and will be sharing it for sure. Yea, i’m pretty sure IMS exist but you are the first to come up with a name for it..haha. Isn’t it funny that as runners we put so much un-needed stress on ourselves? We could easily say “i’m not gonna do it” and we would end up like every other person who isn’t running 15 miles on aa Saturday morning, but that’s not who we are! Great post! -M

  2. IMS…I had a bout of this as I was training for my first half marathon in over 2 years. It was actually my 8 mile run that really brought on the fear for me! But once I did it, I knew I could keep going! IMS is a real thing! I think it’s the fear of the unknown….the more you embrace it, I think the easier it gets!

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