Good Morning from the VERY HUMID (as in my windows are literally fogged up as I type this) Atlanta area! I hope today finds you feeling loved and blessed.
You know, it’s funny, writing is my first love and why I started on this whole world wide web thing 7 years ago. You know, “way back when” when bloggers could actually make money and people still read. I’m sort of kidding. You guys still read. I mean, I hope you still read. And some bloggers still make money. I mean I DON’T but surely somebody does?
If I’m going to be honest, I’m not reading as much as I used to. I’m reading fewer and fewer blogs and am taking my news, my entertainment and my education in quick sound bites and videos.

I don’t love it but it is our reality. I still love the few moments a day where I actually read a book – especially enjoying doing just that at our local pool and secretly love that the wifi there stinks. Please, Local Lifetime Fitness, DON’T fix the wifi by the pool. It’s saving my sanity.
While I’m writing this I actually have a YouTube tutorial on in the background. What in the world do I think is going to happen?? Some nugget that I’m going to hear is going to sink in while I’m simultaneously typing words? Hang on, I’m gonna go turn that off.
OK, done. That’s better.
So, here’s what’s been going on, you who still read and are here. BTW, I truly appreciate that you are. I know you’re busy and have a lot going on. So hi, Mom. Just kidding. There are most likely more than just my mom reading. Right?!
Since my last update so much has happened! My mom came for an amazing visit (LOVE HER TO PIECES), my son graduated high school and has now left for France without me (RUDE), my other son’s girlfriend came to visit (new experience. Not bad, but new. We’ve never had a girl here that wasn’t family!), and the YouTube channel has gone CRAZY. Here’s my most recent video, if you’re interested.
Yes, I have always had a fantasy about being Oprah (or a smaller, less famous version of Oprah), and although we’re still small by pretty much every standard, getting to the 1000 subscriber mark was huge for me. I’m loving the community I’m building over there, and although the Disney stuff gets the most views (by A LOT), I’m also starting to share about running and depression and the things that really motivate me to use my voice. Here’s the one I just did on my story of running and postpartum depression. If you compare the view counts of the 2 videos you’ll see what I mean:
Yesterday I had a comment from a woman who was clearly discouraged. Not a lot of details but this line got me:
I’m 40 years old and 30 pounds overweight and I just have to do something.
To be there for HER, to encourage her and to find a lot of encouragement FROM her that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing?
Yeah, that’s making it worth it.
Plans for France are starting to come together. I’m only there 5 days and am actually considering skipping Paris itself all together (I know, right?) and spending my couple of free days at the Chateau Fontainbleau and Reims. Comments? Thoughts? Would love any insight! I am much more drawn to the smaller, less touristy experiences, and those two are feeling round and approachable to me. Like the Winnie The Pooh of touring France. I’m nervous but excited about this trip!
I’m also headed to Scottsdale in a few days and it will be my first trip “home” in a long time. My parents moved not long after I graduated high school and so typically when I go to Arizona I head straight to my mom’s in Prescott. Will be weird and wonderful. Mom will be with me for some of it and then I’m spending time with some amazing women that I’ve known for years.
To say I’m staying busy is a huge understatement. I’m not sure why I thought a restful sabbatical was something I was capable of, but I am working on setting some time aside to stare out the window and look at the birds. And read. An actual book. At this rate I’m going to have to go back to work so I can get some rest.
I hope you can find time for that today, too. The resting not the working. Thanks for READING.
Hi Jen
I found your YouTube channel through all my dvc being habits and headed on over here. What great videos and articles you’ve been posting! I love your attitude, your travel info and all your running information. Your videos keep me company in the kitchen and I feel like I’m having coffee with a friend. I’m a Disney nut too, dvc member and mom to a runner. My fourteen year old daughter ran the Star Wars half as her first running endeavour back in April. We were there too! She’s since run two more half’s closer to home. We are all doing the 5k runDisney shorts this summer (me, dd 14 and my 8 year old twins).
Anyway, just dropping in to say hi. Great work.
Should say viewing habits.
Andrea thank you so much for coming over to the blog as well as the YouTube channel!! You’re very kind and maybe someday we can have coffee in real life! But for now, I am THRILLED to be in your kitchen. Congrats on your daughter’s accomplishment that’s amazing at 14! WOW! And I love that you have twins just like me. I remember when mine we’re 8 – OMG SO BUSY. Hang in there!!
Great to hear from you! I’ll take you up on that coffee. We are down next in August and we are booked for the Princess Half in February. Let me know if you plan to do the Princess Half.
I’ve just subscribed to your channel because I’m considering perchasing DVC through resale. I wanted to ask, “what happens when your contract reaches its expiration”? I’ve been looking online and just can’t seem to find an answer.
Love your channel it’s very informative.
So, it hasn’t actually happened yet, obviously, but I guess we just stop? Ours expires in 2042 (I will be 72) we will no longer get points added each year and won’t have to pay any more dues. So my late in life trips will either need to be paid for in cash or we’ll need to buy a new contract between now and then (I’m betting on the latter;)
Well, I’m one of those people who started on your YouTube and wanted more I guess! 🙂 It’s been so wonderful to get to know you a little more by poring over the history of your blog posts. And surprise, surprise…Eddie and I think you’re even cooler than ever!
Anyway…this post about reading more and past posts I’ve seen made me think I should recommend a lovely fiction book written by a friend (and full-disclosure, he’s also been my boss over the past 8 years, too as I’ve worked for him as his personal assistant) that I think you’d love. It’s called “SUM: Forty Tales from the Afterlives” by David Eagleman. I got to be there for the first public reading in Houston as a reader/actor and have been friends of his even as he has grown into a sort of science celebrity.
Anyway, it’s a great read and I thought you’d love it! Hope you get the chance to read/listen to it on audiobook sometime!
And thank you…for all this amazing work you’ve been doing for so long! I’m so grateful we discovered you.
P.S. I think you may be turning Eddie into a vlogger….though he’s only posting “unlisted” things…he’s actually very inspired!
Sean!! I love that you commented over here! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I will absolutely look the book up, it sounds right up my alley and tell Eddie to SHIP THAT STUFF OUT INTO THE UNIVERSE! I have no doubt it’s brilliant and would love to see it!