Do you Need a Mulligan??

I’m not a golfer, but I do have lots of co-workers that golf, and in golf, my favorite element BY FAR is The Mulligan.

Here’s the definition:

An extra shot allowed after a poor shot, not counted on the score card.

I actually need a couple of them from this last week.  I had some not great runs. One was way harder than it should have been and one fell far short of the intended mileage. As in, less than half.

And I have a choice, now, don’t I? I can be frustrated and beat myself up and, maybe, even consider throwing in the towel and ditching this whole running thing or, at the very least, the marathon training thing. Because it’s a little crazy and really, nobody NEEDS to run a marathon.

But this isn’t my first rodeo and I know that just like in golf, in running you sometimes just have no good very bad not so good runs. It happens to EVERYONE. And although I know this in my head, it’s having a hard time making it’s way to my heart.

Do I have any business even running?? If I only looked at last week, the answer would be a big fat NO.

But I have more than last week to rely on. I know what this body is capable of. And it was just a BAD WEEK.

And I figure, if it works in golf, it works in running, right??

So I’m taking a mulligan. I’m not “counting” this week in my training plan. I’m letting go and I’m moving on.

And I’m going to hope and pray that NEXT week, I’ll get HAPPY RUNNING again . . .:).


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