Do You Have Time To Train For A Marathon??

It’s a rainy day and my boys were at a lock-in for church so they’re sleeping. Well, the 16 yr old wasn’t at the lock-in but he’s sleeping because he’s 16. And Scott is out of town. So I’ve got some time on my hands and did some math.

Here’s what it takes to train for a marathon (well, here’s what it took ME). If you took a poll you’d find many many many runners who put in way MORE time than this but for this suburban mom, this is what you get:

Hours of running: 54 hours, 35 minutes.

Miles run: 345

Number of days I’ve been able to sleep-in since school started because on Saturdays I had to run early and I work on Sundays: 1 (which would be today)

Number of nights I’ve been exhausted and needed to go to bed at 9:30: Too many to count.

In other words, running a marathon is a major commitment. And if you start training and don’t already have a good base (I was averaging 15 – 20 miles a week when I started training) it will take many more hours than this.

I don’t say all this because I’m so special or amazing. In fact, 44,999 other people prove that all kinds of ordinary men, woman, doctors, lawyers, pastors, teachers, tax accountants and stay at home moms have put in similar time and effort. It’s actually what I LOVE about it. It’s not easy, you can’t just wake up one morning and decide to do it (well, you can, but it would be asinine), and you have to make space for it.

It also proves what I’ve suspected for awhile – all of us have time to do whatever we want to do. “I don’t have time” is a common excuse and the truth is, you DO have the time, but we make choices with what we do with it. I think I’ll change that sentence in my vennacular to “I don’t choose to spend my time that way.” The same way some money guru told us years ago (or I read or heard on Dr. Oz, who knows) never tell kids “we can’t afford it” say, instead, “we don’t choose to spend our money that way”). Because if I have 54 hours to run, the truth is I have to time to do pretty much whatever I put my mind to.
Now, granted, I’ve missed lots of TV, we’ve said no to lots of parties and Scott and I haven’t been to a movie in ages. So there is a cost – but I like knowing that I’m choosing where I spend my time and even though some may say it’s been wasted, it’s been spent doing something I love. And it’s only for a season (in fact, Scott and I are going to the movies this week!!).

Which sets my mind to dreaming this: what big, crazy, seemingly impossible goal do I want to choose next? It’s a world brimming over with options. Even if you think you don’t have the time.

Happy Running (and dreaming)!!


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