Are you Still There? Is This Thing On?

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

I am afraid, friends, that my new 45 – 50 hour a week job, plus the move to a new city (and furnishing and decorating a new house) plus little things like getting a new driver’s license, finding a new doctor, a new dentist, a new candle stick maker . . . I’m kidding. We don’t actually have a family Candle Stick Maker.

It’s just been kind of a lot, ya know? As in, when do I actually have a minute to do ANYTHING just for me?

But, as all seasons, this one, which we will call The Season Where Nobody Knows Why Jennifer Didn’t Loose Her Ever Loving Mind, is starting to wind down. I’m starting to feel the tiniest little sliver of something that feels like margin.

I know it’s almost back because for the first time in a long time, I feel like writing.

Like getting the words down, processing the randomness, free associating the words in ways that maybe make sense only in my mind . . .

Ya know . . .BLOGGING.

I’m actually still running and training. Albeit with a tad bit of half assery.

I’m still parenting three teenagers at once. Albeit with questionable success.

I’m still living every day in the light of my Sweet Jesus who made me and loves me right where I am.


So maybe the creative juices can start flowing again now that the life is somewhat settling. Because I got lots of words. About lots of things.

The three biggies right now:

Training for Star Wars The Dark Side Half is almost done! 10 miler coming up this weekend. And this training cycle has been a struggle. I’m running the race for fun and to finish, nothing more. No apologies, no regrets. Just my season.

My new house is filled with the best storage and organization tips I’ve gathered through the last few years from people smarter than me. I’m gonna share some of that stuff with ya’ll. Not because it’s life changing but because if you can find stuff you don’t feel crazy. So maybe that will change your life.

I’m learning more than eve about who I am, and more importantly, who I’m NOT, and how to accept all that big old mess.

More to come . . . I hope.

Happy Running.



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