And Now Back To Normal Half Marathon Training

Whew – OK, that was an odd season running wise. I wasn’t exactly sure how to train for 2 marathons, 3 months apart and although I did OK, I think I was a little lazy with my training in between the two. My body was just kind of done after training all summer and I felt it.

But the WDW Marathon is now behind us and we can move on to more “normal” training. So here’s what we have coming up:

February 24 – Princess Half Marathon (Disney)
April 27th – Irving Half (Irving, TX)
August 31 – Disneyland 10K
Sept 1 – Disneyland Half Marathon
Sept 21 – Air Force Half Marathon (Dayton, OH)
January – Goofy

Clearly, it’s gonna be tough for me to stay on track from May – July but after training for a marathon through those months last year, I am AOK with that. I realize the last few blog posts have been all bells and whistles and Mickey but I do like to post my regular routines as well. Monday I did 5 miles at the park (very flat) and did 4:1 intervals for the first time. I’m never good at sticking to run/walk intervals but after a great conversation with a Boston qualifier at Disney (who had a PR of 3:19 in the marathon using intervals!), I’m gonna give it a try to improve my speed. I will let you know if it works! I did feel better at the end of both runs and my times were pretty much on par with my non walk break runs (10:34ish per mile).

Today was 5 miles again but on the more hilly course around my neighborhood. I hate hills and I love hills. I hate them because they’re hard but I love them because they really push me and I fell like they make me much stronger.

Oh, and congratulate me! I’ve done strength training TWICE in the last week. In fact, my upper arms and abs are somewhat sore so evidently I even did it right! Just doing some floor work and working with the curl bar at home so nothing dramatic, but everyone tells me it’s the secret to speed. We will see.

Really, really, really looking forward to the Princess for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is it will most likely be cooler (please God). But also because my cousin, Kimberly, (whom I haven’t physically seen since she was a toddler!) will be running her first half and I’ll get to hug her neck and say great job in person!!

Quick note for my friends who are back to training for their first 5K (Victoria and others): please just keep plugging along! Kara Goucher tweeted today “Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.”

I love that! She’s not only an Olympian but a mom and a great person. Well, I don’t actually know her I just imagine that she is. You should follow her on Twitter! And while you’re at it, you should follow me on twitter (@jenlefforge) and then you should come and join us on FB because that’s where the real party is.  Hope everyone has a great week! Remember to thank God that your body works and that you’re legs will take you the distance!!


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