Gear I can’t live without or Running Stuff I Spend My Money On

Happy Friday, Everybody! Well, it’s my Friday because I’m a pastor and we work on Sundays. So Happy Thursday night to everyone else. Unless you’re reading this on Friday. Wait, I just confused myself.

I’ll be starting my day tomorrow with a quick trip to the radiology place to get a quick look at my son’s knee which he may have damaged in a cross country incident involving tripping and falling into a wooden stake in the ground. Who knew XCountry was a contact sport? Such is life with boys. As I’ve been known to say, they’re either breaking your heart, your stuff, or their bones and tendons. But I still love it!

So I get asked a lot about what kind of gear I use, what do I use to fuel on long runs, and what products I can’t live without. I promise, I’m not sponsored by anybody so these opinions are the real deal. Although if I WERE to be sponsored by someone, at this point Mark West Vineyards would be a great one, don’t you think?:0) I think if you’re a “real” blogger, you’re supposed to put in a lot of pics and video links. I am clearly not a real blogger, so you’ll have to click on the words to get to the links to all the products I’ve listed. They are all pretty easily accessible but I do love to shop online. It’s no fun to drive all the way to the sporting goods store to find out they’re out of your size in something when you could have ordered it from the privacy of your own home while watching Spirit of the Marathon for the 94th time.

I also asked about must have products on the FB page and you all had some great entries. I’ll do mine first and then do part two as everybody else’s. So if you want yours included, head over there right now and like the page! Links up there at the top.

The basics:

Compression shorts or capris or tights (depending on the weather)

There’s a very simple reason for this. I am a pear shaped mom and have huge thighs like a Viking. I’m actually OK with it and pretty proud of how strong they are and have long ago since given up on having those ridiculous thighs that models have that don’t touch and btw, for most women, aren’t normal. But this post isn’t about that. So if you’re super thin and can wear Nike shorts for a run WITHOUT compression shorts underneath, bully for you. For the rest of us, these beauties keep you from getting road rash. So I will always wear them. I just bought this pair from Athleta that have two mesh pockets in the side that will fit my gu chomps perfectly. (see below for that)

I also love my running skirts with built-in compression shorts and my favorite brand for these is Skirt Sports. They are the only brand that I KNOW aren’t going to ride up and they have pockets in the tech shorts that are attached to the skirts. I wish they would have more patterns to choose from. Maybe the mad rush to order from this blog will inspire them??:)

Tech shirts

I realize for most of you this is a given, but “cotton is rotten” for runners. You want a running shirt and they don’t have to cost a fortune. My favorite French designer, Target, carries tons as do any big box store – don’t spend a lot of money here. I love LuLu Lemon to look around or maybe for something special for a race, but seriously, I will NEVER spend the money they want for a simple tech t-shirt or tank to run in. Ridiculous. Unless you can catch a sale or have a rich friend who likes to shop for you. And while they’re at it, have them shop for me, too.


OK, I’ve covered this in a previous post HERE but I started doing long distance running in minimalist shoes three years ago and have never looked back. I started with the Vibram Five Fingers and have since moved to the Merrell Dash Glove which I adore. Minimalist running is not for everyone but it’s the only way I can run without getting major back problems. If you’re thinking about transitioning to a minimalist shoe PROMISE ME you’ll go and read a helpful article about how to do that and won’t just slap a pair on after you’ve been running in a huge stability shoe for years. You will hurt yourself. And you’ll be mad at me. And I can’t have that:).


All Injinji Toe Socks, all the time. These are seriously the only socks I wear and I love them. After a rather horrid blister that developed during my first marathon, these were recommended to me and I cannot say enough how much I love them.


When I’m training for a marathon I carry a water bottle that I love, The Nathan Quickdraw. It stays on my hand pretty well and holds enough that I don’t have to stop often, but I do all my runs where either my house or our park water fountain are accessible so this isn’t a huge issue for me. The last two marathons I carried it with me because I like to take a sip when I want it, which may or may not be where there is a water station, and I think it’s a security blanket. I’ve never run a race where they ran out of water but I have friends who have and I like having it. It also has a small zipper pocket where I can stash my iphone. Which is a nice segway to

My iphone

I always run with it because it has my RunKeeper app and because I have 3 children and a husband who travels. When I’m “primary caregiver” going out for a 2 hour jaunt and not being reachable just isn’t an option. But they do know not to call unless it’s REALLY IMPORTANT and I am loving my Do Not Disturb feature on my iphone 5 because I can put that only my family can reach me (if I get a call from my boss, for instance, even though I won’t answer it I’ll spend the rest of my run wondering what it was about. Not good.) I learned that was an option from the commercial for my iphone 5 months after I purchased it. TV is so educational.


Anything over 10 miles, I take food. Depending on the day, I can always be found with Honey Stinger Energy Chews, and if it’s hot, a small bag of pretzels. For a long race I have to eat early on because toward the end I get really queezy and can’t stomach anything and if I don’t fuel early on I’ll “bonk”, which is the term for when you hit the wall and want to die in a race because you’ve come to the end of your glycogen stores and your body is telling you to stop doing what you’re doing and eat. If I eat a few of these chews early and often, no bonk. No chews? Big bonk. That was fun to type. But this cannot be over-emphasized – TRY WHAT YOU’RE USING BEFORE YOU USE IT ON A RACE. I found out the hard way that I can’t do any of the gels or chomps with caffeine or I will be in the porta-potty when the rest of the runners are enjoying their post race glow. I have a very sensitive stomach when I run (who am I kidding? All the time) so trying something on a run when there’s a convenient restroom is of utmost importance.

My best 15K (OK, my only 15K) I ran on a whim and had a blast but all I had with me were sour balls I’d bought at a local candy store. So truth be told, I think any candy you like will most likely work but I am a sucker for good packaging and like to believe that all that B12 and potassium and electrolyte stuff will help me turn into Kara Goucher. I have hope, you see.

Compression Leg Sleeves

I’ve worn these for a couple of races and wear them for recovery. They’re like socks but don’t have feet. I have friends that swear by them but I’m not really convinced. If it’s chilly they work great but if it’s warm they bug me. And if I can’t find them I don’t not run because I don’t know where they are. So they’re really just not that important to me. Sorry, Compression Leg Sleeves. I know you mean well.

Running App

For me? It’s RunKeeper all the way. I’ve been using it since April of 2012 and I really like it because it has all my data and I can easily see where I’ve improved and where I need to step it up.  I also like that I have a team of my friends and we can compete – which is very friendly competition as long as I’m in the lead which thus far, I usually am;). I will assume that some of my team just read that and next week they will wipe the floor with me. But it’s all in good fun.

I used to have a Garmin but it was too big and got on my nerves. If the Garmin People would like to gift me a lighter version I would gladly review it. Was that subtle?

Formal Wear

I reserve my running formal wear for races. This collection includes Sparkle Skirts, hair bling (including a Minnie Bow), and some really adorable running shirts, one with sequins that says “Princesses don’t sweat they sparkle.” I don’t wear these at home because I will be laughed at. But I’m really into it for races. I have been known to utter this sentence to my running mates, “if anybody needs a sparkle skirt I brought all 4 of mine because I couldn’t decide so you can help yourself.” Is it necessary? Not in any way. But if my races are my victory lap for all the hours of training (which they are) then I’m going to make sure I look GOOD for the celebration. Those race photographers are merciless – I need all the wardrobe assistance I can get.

OK, next will be Part Two – the Stuff You Said You Have to Have

For all of you with Big Hairy Audacious Long Runs this weekend, I wish you good weather, a great attitude and a good playlist. Have fun!!


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