5 Lessons I learned This Week

Crazy busy around here right now. We’re gearing up for Holy Week and since my day job is as a pastor at a large church (not the main pastor, just a helper pastor;) that means lots of hours and lots of hectic. Yes, it will be joyous and yes, if you’re one of those who only comes and sees us on Easter and Christmas WE LOVE YOU. Please keep coming  . . . and if you want to start coming more often we’d love you just as much just more often.

So I’m learning a lot right now about time and balance and multi-tasking and breathing and run-on sentences (see what I did there?). Here we go:

  1. I try to do too many things at once. I’m reading the book Overwhelmed and it’s been very eye opening about multi-tasking and time fragmentation and how we perceive how much or how little time we have in a day. Seriously rocking my world. You should read this book.
  2. Hills that seemed just a tad annoying during your 10K PR on Saturday will come back and literally bite you in the calves when you try to do an easy recovery run on Monday (pain, people. Not discomfort. Pain. Had to stop and walk A LOT).
  3. When you are doing too many things at once, you tend to do things like back into your friend’s daughter’s car and it will cost you a lot of money. So don’t do too many things at once. (Sorry, Rayann. Really looking forward to paying for the repairs and then taking you out to dinner to apologize) And btw, you might find yourself screaming out the window when you do it (even though there’s no one around to here you) MY BAD. MY. FREAKING. BAD.
  4. When you promise your 6 year old son that when he goes to prom you’ll pay for the limo, check the prices. Because 11 years later you’ll find out that $1000 is a little more than you thought that would cost. If you have a hook up, shoot me a message ASAP. (SERIOUSLY!?!?!?! If this ministry thing doesn’t pan out we’re buying a stretch and going into the business with the real money).
  5. There is a God and I’m not him. Swirling and chaos and bad weeks and car accidents and calf pain and stressful work and making good on decade old expensive promises and run on sentences are going to happen. But that doesn’t mean that somebody isn’t in control. It just means that it’s not me.

So there you have it. I promise you, if I didn’t live this life I would swear I was making it up, but I love it. Hope you’re having a great week. Or at least that you’re having a week where you can stop and say thank you for something.

Happy Running,


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