So Today, I saw a Turtle

Today on my run there was this turtle. I run by a beautiful park and seeing a turtle is not really that unusual. This, however, was no ordinary turtle.

This is not my turtle. But it looks a lot like my turtle.

I first noticed her because a couple of women who were walking their dogs had stopped and were staring. And then I saw her – she was crossing a busy street, walking with what I can only assume was her fastest gear (because, keep in mind, she’s a turtle) giving it all she had and inching along the asphalt with dogged determination. And there was a car coming. The other women and I found ourselves yelling “hurry! hurry! You got this! you’re almost there!” (yes, this makes no sense, but at the time, we all really thought we were helping).

As the car grew closer I waved to the drive hoping he would see there was a large turtle almost across that he would smash like a watermelon if he didn’t swerve out of the way. The driver didn’t see me and I started to panic and then . . . . .

She made it to the other side.

The other two women and I cheered and yelled “YOU MADE IT! YOU MADE IT! SHE DID IT!” and they went on their walk and I finished my run.

And I thought wow. There you go. Should she have ventured across the street to begin with? Most likely not. Was she in over her head? Um, yeah. It’s a busy street and there’s no doubt had she asked the other turtles if they thought it was a good idea, they all would have clicked their tongues and said “that’s ridiculous! You’re a turtle! Turtles don’t try to cross busy streets. Get back in the pond.”

But she didn’t listen. She thought she could do it. So she did.

The End

Happy Running,


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