Time Alone: What Every Woman Needs

I am typing this from my room at the Gaylord Texan where I have been happily retreating since last evening.

(Room service for one)

Scott is at home with the boys (and two of their friends) while I am here alone enjoying room service, a quiet room and my books and music. It’s lovely. And for me, necessary.
One of my favorite books is Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s  “Gift From the Sea” where she beautifully sings the praises of people, especially wives and mothers, taking some time to simply be – with no responsibility for others and no expectations on time. I read these words for the first time almost 30 years ago, when I was a college student and even then it resonated with me:
“Women need solitude in order to find again the true essence of
Yet it’s hard to find the time isn’t it? We feel guilty for asking for what we need. For spending money that could be spent on something that benefits all. For taking a time out from the daily, seemingly never ending burdens of children and work and households.
But this time for me does benefit all of us. As I quiet my mind, spend extended time with God, and remember who I am, I feel the strength returning to my mind, my body, and my soul (and the 10 hours of sleep doesn’t hurt).
So scour your various accounts for hotel points and miles (that’s how we did this), ask friends who work for hotels for a free room, stay at someone’s lake house (preferably with their permission) and find some time for you. And if your family doesn’t get why you need it, show them this blog.
And happy running.

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