Fashioned 4 Freedom – Bringing Light to The Darkest of Places

What I’m about to tell you about has nothing to do with running. But please don’t stop reading.

Because it does have to do with freedom. And if there’s anything I’ve been about on these pages for the last 2 years, it’s freedom. Did you know that there’s a place in the Philippines (well, not a place, a home) where girls are being rescued from human trafficking and sexual exploitation and are being educated, loved, counseled and shown how they can rebuild their lives?

In that home, they find freedom from fear. Freedom from violence. Freedom to pursue God’s best for their lives.

So when my great friend, Kim Jones, asked me to write about the upcoming event to benefit My Refuge House I was all over it. First, watch this video that shows my friend, Crystal, at the house and gives just a snapshot of what they’re doing (if the video is not showing up for you, go here to watch it):

 See what I mean? Miraculous things happening. The world is a mess right now and you could very easily feel helpless and think there’s just nothing you can do, and instead choose to simply turn off the news and hide under your covers. Or maybe that’s just me??

But you CAN do something. To fight evil. Right now. To bring light to very dark places.

My Refuge House is having a great event on October 9th called Fashioned 4 Freedom. Tickets are just $40 and for that you get a fashion show, cocktails, and the chance to hear about the amazing work My Refuge House is doing to bring freedom to girls who are coming out of the most unimaginable of circumstances  and rebuilding their lives WITH HOPE.

I will be there and I hope you’ll be there, too! And if you can’t attend the event, please pray about how you might get involved. Because the world isn’t OK. But this is something you CAN do to help heal some broken places.

Happy running. And right now, I’m stopping and thanking God that I can and that there are organizations like this that bring freedom to those that can’t. Praise God for you, Crystal and Kim, and all of you that work so diligently to advocate for these girls who, without you, would not have a voice. I am humbled to call you my friends. OH, AND PLEASE SHARE THIS POST VIA WHATEVER TOOLS YOU HAVE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. This is one time I’ll be obnoxious about caring is sharing;). Thanks, Great People!


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