My Friday Five – My Five Favorite Running Songs

I woke up this morning thinking, gee, I wonder what I’m going to be blogging about today for the great Friday Five Link Up with my friends over at Eat, Run Pray DC??

And as a girl who ADORES music, I was PUMPED to see the topic!! My running music is serious business! I actually have multiple running playlists, and all 5 of these are off my “for emergency only” list – these are the songs that will snap me right out of it when I’m having a really hard time and I need to get the spring back in my step. Use with caution, especially at the beginning of a long run, as they may cause you to go out too fast. Trust me on this.

Hey I love you, Michael Franti

Girls Run the World, Beyonce

A-Punk, Vampire Weekend (I ADORE this band and so much of their stuff is great for running. Seriously. Saw them in concert a few years ago with my best friend and my middle son and it’s one of my favorite memories ever.)

Best Day of My Life, American Authors (bonus, this video is the dog version. Precious).

And finally, (and I’m sorry, Courtney, this is a duplicate from your list but seriously how can we not love this??), All About That Base, Meghan Trainor. LOVE LOVE LOVE

Well, that got my day off to a very happy start. Have a GREAT Friday, Everybody. God loves you and you have a lot of beautiful life to live today.


12 thoughts on “My Friday Five – My Five Favorite Running Songs

  1. I think every female is loving the Megan Trainor song right now. How couldn’t you like it? And I’ll totally agree that Vampire Weekend is a killer band. Love them!!

  2. GAH! These are great, Jennifer! Vampire Weekend! American Authors! I’m adding to my playlist right now…thanks so much for sharing these! This is exactly what I needed! I love “Girls Run the World” and I had to play “All About That Bass” while I read Courtney’s list last night…I don’t think that one is ever going to get old. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

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