2014 Was Quite a Year! It’s the Year End Review! Because I’m a Blogger and That’s What We Do!

If you want to read more amazing recaps by great runners, head to the link up with my friends over at Tuesdays On The Run!

Wow, running and otherwise, this has been QUITE an eventful year. I really like stopping and thinking through it all because it makes me grateful and it always makes me take stock and figure out where I want to go next.

We started in January with Scott going Goofy and me doing the half at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend!

In February, it was, of course, all about The Princess and, more specifically, the Glass Slipper Challenge!

In March? I didn’t do a race in March but I did hit a major wall and decided to take a break from racing anything further than 10K. Proved to be a great call.

In April, it was the Irving Marathon, but no 26.2 for me – I happily ran the 10K!

May brought me, once again, to the 5K a Day in May challenge! I’ve loved doing this, and in 2015 I hope to be partnering with an amazing not-for-profit. Can’t wait to tell you all about that.

By June I was starting to gear up for this year’s Disney World Marathon. Since it’s going to be my 4th,  I knew what I was getting into. So I wrote all about how the training was going to suck! But the truth is, it hasn’t been THAT bad.

The rest of the summer was pretty much just to be endured – hot, long runs and relentless TX temps. Oh, and amazing family vacations getting OUT of town. But as I write this, I’m looking out at a beautiful 60 degree day in December, so it all evens out! And we can’t forget that this was the summer we got Walter the Wonder Dog!

Sweet Walter. Rescue pups are the best!

Great time at the Central Coast of CA!

September brought me to serious Wine and Dine training and trudging along in marathon training. I wrote this post to motivate me. Just re-read it, and yup, that’s some powerful stuff! Also, that month I ran the Tour De Fleurs again and it was awesome!!

October? Well, with only 1 day’s notice, I threw myself into the Michelob 13.1 Dallas Half! I was enabled by a great friend and fellow runner and it was SUCH fun!

November was all about Wine and Dine and WHAT a fun (if somewhat soggy;) weekend it was!! Enjoyed it immensely! Haven’t decided about next year, yet.

December? Well this month has been all about finishing my marathon training strong so that in January, I can head back to Marathon Weekend where it all started!

So, if you’re keeping track that’s 4 half marathons and 3 10K’s – not a recored breaking year but not too shabby;).

Obviously a lot of other amazing things have happened this year that have nothing to do with running – leaving my career of 10 years just to name one. But the running sort of ties it all together. I’m proud of this year – I worked hard and kept challenging myself in different ways. And once again, I feel more fit this year than I did last. And considering I’m not getting any younger, that’s really saying something!

I hope you can look back at your running year with pride and confidence. And if you had goals you didn’t quite meet, that rather than be discouraged, you can find good resources, friends, and tools to help you meet those goals this year! It’s going to be a great one.

Happy New Year, Everybody. Happy Running.


8 thoughts on “2014 Was Quite a Year! It’s the Year End Review! Because I’m a Blogger and That’s What We Do!

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